Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Renyahnya Berbisnis Kripik Pedas

Seorang penjual Maicih tengah menunggu kedatangan para pembeli

Semarang- Kripik, sebuah makanan renyah yang tak asing lagi di telinga kita. Kripik sangat digemari banyak orang sebagai cemilan atau sekedar snack penjamu tamu. Makanan kecil yang sekilas terlihat sepele ini ternyata dapat menghasilkan pundi-pundi yang cukup menggiurkan.

        Sebut saja Maicih. Kripik pedas yang satu ini semakin digandrungi banyak orang. Berawal dari promosi unik melalui jejaring sosial, twitter Maicih terus melebarkan sayapnya ke berbagai kota di Indonesia termasuk Semarang. Keberadaan Maicih di Semarang tersebar di berbagai wilayah seperti Taman KB, Gubernuran, hingga Tembalang.

        Kripik dengan level pedas ini tersedia dalam beberapa macam produk seperti kripik singkong, gurilam, makroni, hingga kripik baso goreng. Harganya satu kantong Maicih berkisar 15 ribu hingga 20 ribu rupiah. Di Tembalang, tepatnya di depan Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Maicih memasarkan produknya dengan cara yang unik dan khas. Para penjual Maicih memarkirkan mobil maupun motor di pinggir jalan sebagai kios berjualan kripik. Menurut Ingga (3/10), salah satu penjual Maicih, omset penjualan kripik ini mencapai 6 juta per bulan. Penghasilan tersebut belum termasuk wilayah di luar Tembalang. Wah, bisa dibayangkan betapa renyahnya berbisinis kripik pedas ini bukan?

Kompetitor- selain Maicih terdapat pula produk kripik sejenis
seperti Bukan Si Emak hingga Kripik Setan yang berjualan di depan  Polines. 

Menjamur Para Kompetitor
       Boomingnya Maicih sebagai bisnis yang menggiurkan ternyata menginspirasi produsen lain untuk membuat produk sejenis tetapi berbeda merek. Di Tembalang tepatnya di depan Polines, keberadaan kripik pedas semakin semarak. Tidak hanya Maicih, muncul pula produk-produk lain seperti Bukan Si Emak hingga Kripik Setan. Keberadaan kompetitor ini memberi variasi pilihan produk bagi para pembeli. Bagaimana, apakah anda juga tertarik berbisnis kripik pedas?

Selasa, 29 November 2011

a recomendation letter for u

This is a simple example of recomendation of scholarship. i hope it will be useful for u all :)

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing this letter to offer my sincerest recommendation in favor of STUDENT NAME as a recipient of SCHOLARSHIP AWARD. In the years I have known this student, it has been my privilege to watch him grow in three areas that exemplify his worthiness of the honor you'd bestow.

First of all, STUDENT NAME has grown academically across a wide range of disciplines appropriate to his educational level. Although he has subjects in which he excels to a greater degree than others, he has maintained a balance among the various areas of study, truly exemplifying the academic liberal arts goals at this stage of the educational process. I believe the success in this area has instilled the necessary foundation to ensure ongoing achievement as specialized education gradually replaces general education.

A second aspect of my experience with STUDENT NAME that leads me to believe him to be an ideal candidate for your scholarship is the breadth of extra-curricular activity in which he has been active during his educational career. He has participated in various non-core events and processes at an exemplary level. He is generally recognized amongst faculty advisors to be an active participant, a committed advocate, and an engaging leader. Unlike a number of his less fully committed colleagues, he earned every mention and every picture of him you might find in our yearbook.

A third consideration I'd like to bring to your attention is a little less measurable. This student shows a level of maturity above and beyond his peers. While he is not standoffish or somehow aloof from his peers, he nonetheless rises above the more petty and immature concerns that typify youth today. He instead often serves as a clear moral and intellectual standard to which his friends aspire.

I believe that your scholarship monies will be well spent with this young man. I have every confidence that he will complete his studies and complete them in a way that brings honor and esteem to the traditions and goals of your organization. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
